Do Root Canals Hurt?

December 18, 2019 7:15 pm

patient in the dentist's chair undergoing root canal therapy

There are a whole slew of pesky myths surrounding root canals–chief among them that root canals hurt. Not only is this untrue, but root canal is actually a completely routine and straightforward procedure, and one of the most common!

The Myth of Root Canal Pain

So if they don’t hurt, why do people so often claim that they do? Root canals and other dental procedures are often associated with pain and unpleasantness because there was a time when dentistry was just that–painful and unpleasant. In the past few decades, modern dentistry has seen groundbreaking advancements in technology that has served to eliminate pain, streamline procedures, and so much more. Today’s root canal procedures are performed with novocaine or, if needed, sedation, and, from the patients perspective, won’t differ greatly from having a cavity filled.

A Closer Look

Now that you know that your root canal won’t be painful, here’s what else you can expect from the procedure. During a root canal, the dentist will drill into the tooth to the root canal, which exists between the layers of enamel and dentin above. Infected material–tissue, blood vessels, and nerves–are removed, and the tooth is filled or capped with a crown to finish off the procedure.

The End Result

Root canals are performed to address a variety of different issues, and always to save the natural tooth from having to be extracted and replaced. Common reasons for needing a root canal include severe decay; a chip, break, or other damage; and repeated previous dental work to a tooth.

Restorative Dentistry & More at Henson Family Dental

If you’ve been putting off a root canal–or any other procedure for that matter–there’s no need! At our practice, our skilled staff are pros at keeping patients relaxed and comfortable during any procedure. Visit our website to learn how to schedule an appointment today. CONTACT US